Shining star, light spark with rays


The divorce and empowerment coach for high-achieving women ​who seek spiritual guidance, personal transformation, and ​unimaginable growth after divorce.

You are Ready to ​Reclaim your Life ​and Shine brighter

Without sacrificing your Divine Feminine ​values and vibration. You’re already a ​Queen, a Lightworker, and a powerful ​professional, but you’re craving more...

More than the emotional rollercoaster that ​surrounds you. You want more peace, more ​wealth, more impact…and you want it ALL ​with more ease. But most of all — you want ​more fulfillment in your soul and more ​alignment with your authentic self.

Woman in wheat field at sunset

Sister, it’s time to go from burned out to burning bright. You ​don’t even know it yet, but you’re creating a New Chapter.

Let’s do this!

Handmade Underline Doodle

Le​t’s schedule a time to chat!

What do you get when you mixDivorce Coaching, empowerment ​and spiritual guidance?

As your divorce coach

I can help you rebuild your life ​from the ground up, turn it into a

platform for personal growth, and ​tap into your ultim​ate success.

As your spiritual guide

I can help you unlock your inner ​light so you shine bigger and ​brighter than you ever imagined ​possible.


I have...

  • Released my past & found happiness.
  • Found my soul purpose.
  • Built a 6-figure business I love.
  • My kids are thriving.
  • Built my sacred circle of friends.
  • Become the happiest and healthiest that I ​have been since my 20s - mind, body & soul!
  • Traveled the world.
Flat Line Sun

I transformed my life by courageously and ​unapologetically using the emotional turmoil from ​my last divorce as a catalyst for creating a ​prosperous and fulfilling future. Now, I consistently ​earn a significant income, prioritize my well-being, ​and genuinely love my life—all while growing my ​wealth and happiness in a way that suits me.

My success has nothing to do with the size of my ​divorce settlement, my ex, my location, or my kids. ​It’s all about figuring out how to break free from the ​cycle that kept me stuck, under-earning & attracting ​emotionally unavailable men.

I embraced a new, empowered ​version of myself that ​consistently achieves her goals, ​regardless of the challenges in ​my divorce or life. It worked ​for me. It works for my ​clients. It will work for you too.

Ignite Your Light: The Divorce

Accelerator for Succesful Intuitive Women

Illuminate your path through divorce with an exclusive, advanced, and ​luxurious experience designed for succesful, intuitive women ready to thrive.

What you get:

  • 1, 2 or 4 Live Zoom 1:1 Coaching Calls with Christina. Receive personalized ​expert guidance and support in interactive group coaching sessions, tailored ​to how quickly you want to transform your life.
  • 1 monthly group HypnoBreathwork session.
  • 1 Monthly Live Coaching Call with Christy GRACE framework or with a divorce ​expert.


  • 1 Monthly Live Q&As with Christy
  • Exclusive events for Ignite Your Light
  • Vibrant community spaces to connect with others just like you
  • 1 FREE Recording of the Divorce Accelerator Summit
  • 20% off tickets for all future In-Person Events

Nothing like this exists. Step into a transformative ​journey with Ignite Your Light and become the chief ​architect of your own happiness and success.

In this 3-month journey to ignite your light and life, you will:

Empower Your Inner Self

Gain mastery over your inner world, letting go of the need to control external circumstances. Discover inner peace, safety, and ​security, and become the confident creator of your own life.

Transform Your Pain into Power

Learn to harness and transform your past pain and challenges into a source of strength and empowerment. Rewrite your story ​and use your experiences as fuel for personal growth and resilience.

Realize Your Vision

Create a compelling vision for your future that aligns with your soul's desires. Develop a concrete action plan and take ​significant steps to manifest your dreams into reality, bringing joy and fulfillment into your life.

Embrace Authentic Living

Cultivate the courage to follow your intuition and trust your gut instincts, even in the face of doubt. Utilize HypnoBreathwork to ​calm anxiety and fear, empowering you to live authentically and shine brightly in all aspects of your life.

You are conquering fear head-on and making transformative, life-altering moves. Whether you’re newly separated or a decade ​past your divorce, this journey will revolutionize every aspect of your life.


the heart of

My Story

My Story

Beautiful cosmos flowers in natural sunlight. Black and white nature

I became the Chief Results Officer of my life after realizing that I could turn ​my divorces into opportunities for transformation rather than obstacles. After ​peacefully divorcing three times, I realized I was the only common ​denominator and decided to take control of my destiny and create the life I ​truly wanted. I alchemized my life!

This decision led to profound personal growth, the creation of a multiple six-​figure business, and a fulfilling life with my two kids. I didn’t follow a ​checklist someone else gave me; I followed my intuition and vision. I broke ​past being stuck and created an amazing life.

My life is now unrecognizable in the best possible way, and I’m here to ​help you do the same.

Woman in wheat field at sunset

As a Certified Sacred Divorce Coach, my mission is to guide single and ​divorcing women to reclaim their power, create prosperity, and live their ​soul's purpose. I genuinely believe we can be happy and shine, even if our ​exes don’t want us to!

I've faced incredible stress and challenges, including being a mom to a son ​with Autism and ADHD and owning two schools. Through my journey, I ​invested over $35,000 in various healing modalities and found profound ​transformation in HypnoBreathwork and Spiritual Divorce. I healed deep-​seated abuse and trauma and broke free from generational wounds.

Now, I live happily with my two kids and coach my Sacred Divorce clients ​using my G.R.A.C.E. , (Gratitude, Resilience, Alignment, Connection and ​Communication and Embodiment) method, HypnoBreathwork, and Spiritual ​Divorce. My goal is to help you elevate your frequency, find your self-worth, ​and move from feeling stuck to living a truly successful life.

I've worked with and spoken to hundreds of women, and have been a ​certified, practicing divorce coach since 2016. With my experience in both ​coparenting and parallel parenting, I bring empathy and wisdom to my ​practice.

Beautiful cosmos flowers in natural sunlight. Black and white nature

I've walked in your ​shoes... I understand ​what it takes to stop ​seeking approval, ​abandon endless ​Google searches for ​answers, and start living ​a life that excites you to ​wake up every morning.

White Sage Burning for Ancient Spiritual Ritual

Client Love

V. Perez

“For the past 6 months, I was unsure about how to move forward after my ​divorce. Within ten minutes with Christina, my path became clear. I cried. It ​felt so heart-aligned. It was a major breakthrough. Christina is heart ​centered and has a unique ability to blend practical strategies with spiritual

principles, which has allowed me to approach my new life from a place of ​alignment, authenticity, and sovereignty. She can understand all my ​emotions and transform them into concise, clear, and actionable steps!”


So, how exactly does ​DOES PRIVATE 1:1 COACHING ​WORK WITH ME?

You get my undivided attention. You have access to me 9-5, Monday to ​Saturday, where you can ask me anything by WhatsApp. I fully expect this ​relationship to go well beyond just divorce guidance — I’ll be as involved in ​your daily life and decision-making as you want me to be. I’ll be your ​thinking partner and best friend you can always count on.

But that’s just the beginning.

We’ll have 1, 2 or 4 Zoom calls a month, depending on how quickly you want ​to see results, where we dive deep into your biggest dreams, discussing ​both strategy and personal empowerment (AKA, your inner light!) to make ​sure you achieve them.

You get a life map that helps you identify where the patterns are that are ​holding you back from your highest self.

You get a divorce road map to ensure you win your divorce and successful ​life!

Spots are extremely limited for this service. Because I give you my undivided ​time and attention, I can only take on a few private coaching clients and I ​only have 2 spaces open now. This isn’t a marketing scarcity tactic—you

become a cherished part of my journey.

It’s also crucial that we have the right energy match.

The best thing to do? Fill out the application and we can take it from there…

Here’s how we can

work together!

Solid Star



Paid in full


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Paid in full


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1 Payment

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2 Sessions a month

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12 Week Program

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Value of $15,000

Payments as low as




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Financing through Klarna

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2 Sessions a month

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12 Week Program

Payments as low as




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Financing through Klarna

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4 Sessions a month

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12 Week Program

1 payment

4 Sessions a month

12 Week Program + ​Bonuses

Value of $25,000

When you stop playing small, it can feel scary…

But congratulations, queen! That’s the first sign you’re ​about to shine brighter than ever!

I’ll be by your side!

Handmade Underline Doodle
White Sage Burning for Ancient Spiritual Ritual

Client Love

M. Clark.

“For the past 6 months, I felt lost and overwhelmed after my divorce. Within ​ten minutes with Christina, my path became clear. I cried. It felt so heart-​aligned. It was a major breakthrough. Christina is heart-centered and has a ​unique ability to blend practical strategies with spiritual principles, which has ​allowed me to approach my new life from a place of alignment, authenticity, ​and empowerment. She can understand all my emotions and transform them ​into concise, clear, and actionable steps. I finally feel like I’m moving forward ​with confidence and purpose!”


Ready to go from ​overwhelmed to ​shining bright?

Flat Line Sun


Does it matter what stage of divorce I’m in?

No. This resource is designed to change your divorce and life whether you just ​started the process or are ten years out.


Can I enroll at anytime?

Sure! You can enroll at anytime.


When will my Zoom calls take place?

We schedule the calls at a time convenient to you.


When does it start and end?

We start once you have made your payment in full or first payment. We end 12 ​weeks later. 2 sessions can be rescheduled.


Is there a payment plan?

There are 2 different options with 2 different variations as well. You can choose to ​pay in full, or make monthly payments.


What if I’m not getting a divorce but this is speaking to me?

Then join! We divorce all kinds of things in our lives: patterns, friends, jobs, eating….I ​got you.
